Wednesday, October 22, 2008

White Boards

It seems in most of my classes my instructors are frustrated when they go up to the white boards in Parmer classrooms to write an example or term for the class to see. It turns out that most of the markers supplied at these boards for the instructors' writing pleasure don't work. Most of the time when this happens, instructors will get upset for a moment, make a comment on the lack of usable marker, then improvise a solution that may take a few minutes to hash out, i.e. lowering the view screen and firing up the projector and typing out whatever they needed to say on computer instead of writing it down on the board.

Often it's not just one marker that doesn't work, but all of the markers that may be in the little tray at the bottom of the boards. Are these markers just left in the respective classrooms for all to use and when they run out...too bad? Or are the instructors expected to bring their own marker simply so they can efficiently and effectively teach their classes? Someone should at least be in charge of supplying working markers so that instructors can make the most of the resources available to them.

1 comment:

Natalie Tolomeo said...

OMG I completely agree with you. It's frustrating when professors try to write notes on the board but they don't show up because the markers don't work. The school should keep an access of markers in the classrooms so they can remain fresh, full of ink.

As for my preference in chalk boards v. white boards, it doesn't really matter to me. I guess it depends on the professor and whether or not their penmanship is legible or looks like jibberish.